Saturday, January 23, 2010

High Altitude

My finished product.  It's a little too short to tie it like I usually do, but it will definetly keep me warm snowboarding!

I made banana bread today.  It flopped :(  This is the second time I have made it since moving out must have something to do with the high altitude.  It still tastes good, but it definetly doesn't look very nice.  I was planning on bringing it to church tomorrow.  I ended up making apple pie instead, its actually still in the oven and won't be done until 12:30.  It looks and smells REALLY good!


  1. Did you just do a single crochet? It looks really warm and fuzzy! Cute! I should do a scarf sometime, I've never thought about it. We just got back from Wausau and I bought some yarn to make hat(s) for this baby when it gets a little closer...


  2. Jana~not sure what you mean. It is all the same stitch, no pattern. Thats a good idea. I want to make myself a hat too, I am hoping Christy can teach me when she is out here!

  3. That is so cute!! Good job!
    It probably was from the high altitude that you bread didn't turn out. I think your supposed to bake it at a different temp or something. You probably already know that. Wow, what a happy homemaker you are tho.. so crafty and baking/cooking up all sorts of yummy stuff.
