Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Diet Coke

So today I had to work until 7 because of a meeting...makes for a long day.  One nice thing about working so late is that no one is on the roads.  The fastest drive home from work ever I think!  I had brought a can of Diet Coke to work with me so I could have it on my way home, I put it in the fridge in the breakroom.  At lunch time it was still there...after work it was gone:(  I took a quick glance at all the nurses on my way out the door and didn't notice anyone drinking it.  Let's just say I was a little disappointed that I didn't have my Diet Coke for my ride home!
All this cold weather and snow we are having right now makes me miss the good 'ol yoop!  Today on my way to work it was -10!  At least the snow quit and it was sunny out today.  Now we just need that sun to warm it up to about 50 degrees, man that would be nice!  I probably shouldn't count on it tho.


  1. haha....that stinks! Last night after work I was craving DMD, so I stopped at shell to get a can. What do you know....the machine ate my money. I was not too thrilled to say the least and all the gas stations in Houghton were closed so I had to get it from family video.

  2. Lol.. that does suck. Especially when you are really looking forward to having it for your ride home. The other day I stopped to get a coffee and took a couple sips of it before I had to run into a restaurant to eat dinner. I didn't think it'd be too long before I'd be back in my car to drink the rest of it.. well what do you know but 4 hours later I come back out to my car and obviously the coffee is frozen solid. Ugh..

  3. Ya that does stink! The day before my pop was stolen I had left a can in my car while at work, I opened it on my way home...well turns out it was half frozen and overflowed all over!

  4. Ugh, irritating! Apparently someone else was craving a diet coke too.

  5. HAHAHA!!! I dono why I found the comments super funny Janina and Kari!!! I used to be all first gradish and put my name on my pops at work!!! Otherwise they would get stolen and it just instantly ticks you off! -Mandy
